I help people who want to change their lives by identifying the triggers that are holding them back physically, emotionally, and psychologically in order to maximize energy, reduce pain, improve focus, optimize weight (both weight loss and gain), and enable clients to perform to their highest potential.


Do you not feel like yourself and know something is off?

Are you sick of feeling tired and bloated?

Do you experience chronic aches and pains?

Are you struggling with your weight and want to finally feel comfortable in your own body?

Are you feeling frustrated with your overall sense of mental fogginess?


I will help you to reduce and eliminate pain, to reach your optimal weight, empower you to regain your vitality, focus, and energy, and help you to feel like your best self by reaching your maximum potential! You can do this with delicious whole foods as well as with an abundance of recipes and a personalized program. I will support and guide you to reach your highest potential by identifying your specific nutritional needs, focusing on habit change that will catapult you forward, and discovering emotional and psychological techniques that will change your life. You will feel better in your body than ever before!

Whether you have struggled for a long time or received a recent diagnosis (such as, diabetes, hypothyroidism, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure), I can help you become the healthiest and best you. In Holistic Nutrition we investigate the why and look for the root cause as opposed to using band aids that mask the symptoms. The goal is to develop the tools and understanding to support your long-term health.

If this sounds like you and you are ready to commit to changing your life, contact me in order to get started with an appointment or to schedule a free consultation. 


Who I Work With

I work with a wide range of clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond in person, by phone, and via Skype including, but not limited to:

  • Clients transitioning to gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, vegan, and any other non-traditional eating plans
  • Allergy free eating
  • Weight loss and gain
  • Amateur athletes looking to improve recovery time and optimize performance
  • Pain relief
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Digestive ailments
  • Blood sugar regulation (i.e. diabetes, metabolic syndrome, etc.)
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Fogginess and lowered ability to focus at work or in life


* If you are the type of person who wants to reach your target, whether it is weight loss or gain, athletic pursuits, or increasing focus and productivity at work as well as in daily living, I am the nutrition consultant who can get you to your goals. *